Sunday, January 31, 2010

auld lang syne.

"girl's gotta eat"

this is my official last full day living at Winthrop.
i'm going to miss my best friends here more than i can possibly fathom.
we had some amazing times and formed a bond that i could only hope to come across again in my lifetime.
Nichole Lee and Brett White, I love you too so so so much, i can't even describe the love i have for you two.
"i loved al lipshitz more than i can possibly say."
i hate to leave you two, but I've got to do this for myself.
i know that we'll meet again in the near future.
you can't break a bond like this.

i'm finishing up some scrapbooking.
listening to alanis.
waiting till around one o clock to see if the Bookworm is open.
i've got some books to sell.
so then hopefully i'll be on my way to gettin another tattoo.
and if you ever get so lucky as to ever meet
and befriend these two individuals, you've
stumbled upon something completely miraculous,
don't take them for granted.


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