Sunday, February 14, 2010

wish me a happy valentine's day when you call.

ahh, Valentine's Day.
it just reminds me of Eternal Sunshine.
if you've seen it, you'd understand.
if not, then you need to get off your ass and fucking watch it.
snow's on the ground.
what the fuck?
I'm feeling pretty good.
i'm not sure if my medicine is starting to kick in or not, but either way i don't really care.
i didn't sleep last night.
that's always lovely.
magazine clippings.
glue sticks.
the works.

spent the night with beautiful people.
Soleil McAuley.
Jeff Havens.
Mike Havens.
Billy [i can't spell his last name], but he's beautiful all the same.

i don't feel lonely.
surprisingly enough.

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